About APBB

There is no denomination, creed, statement of faith or systematic theology that fully and accurately interprets and applies the Scriptures.

Each of us has the responsibility to prayerfully and consistently read the Scriptures and interpret them within the overall framework of the sixty-six books of the Holy Bible.

I believe, preach and teach that Scripture clearly sets forth the Doctrines of Grace.  Baptist doctrine regarding the ordinances and church government is consistent with what I believe, preach and teach.   Therefore, my perspective is that of a Sovereign Grace Baptist or Particular Baptist.

The Lord is blessing me with opportunities to preach the free and sovereign grace of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and to lead small group Bible studies in the Central Arkansas area.

The purpose of this blog is to stay connected with and minister to the people that the Lord has providentially brought into my life so far.

I trust that it will also be used by God to allow me to meet and make new friends that also affirm the Doctrines of Grace, in Arkansas and all over the globe.

Please pray that the Lord will use it to introduce others to Jesus Christ.

I ask for and encourage your comments, questions and feedback.  Any and all comments and constructive criticism are welcome and will be appreciated.

To God alone be the glory.